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48次浏览     发布时间:2024-06-12 09:10:46    


OA是英文Office Automation的缩写,就是办公自动化的意思,是利用计算机网络技术帮助企业实现便捷、高效、自动化的协同办公效率。


















What is OA Office Management System? What are the functions of the OA system?

What is OA office System?

OA is the abbreviation of English Office Automation, is the meaning of office automation, is the use of computer network technology to help enterprises achieve convenient, efficient, automated collaborative office efficiency.

So, what are the specific functions of the OA system, which will be favored by various enterprises?

1. The OA system can establish an internal communication platform

OA system can help enterprise employees to communicate and exchange quickly, so as to achieve the purpose of collaborative work in the first time.

2. The OA system supports office work

The OA office system realizes the automation of personal office, conference management, office supplies management, special management, vehicle management, etc.

3.OA system can realize the automation of work flow and transaction processing

The OA system realizes the internal and external receivership of documents, submission of approval documents, document management, file management, meeting notice, report transmission, etc. using electronic drafting, circulating, approving, countersigning, signing, filing and other electronic circulation methods to achieve paperless office. Reduce the complexity of the work, so as to improve office efficiency.

4. The OA system can establish an information release platform

The establishment of an effective place for information release and exchange within the unit can be widely disseminated among employees within the enterprise, so that employees can understand the development of the enterprise.

5. The OA system can realize the automation of document management

It can enable all kinds of documents, files, knowledge, information, etc. to be saved, shared and used according to permissions, and there is a convenient way to find.

Document management automation makes all kinds of documents electronic, through the cloud disk, electronic filing cabinet to achieve the custody of documents, according to the permission to use and share.

6. The OA system can implement distributed office

It has changed the traditional centralized office mode and expanded the office area. It can facilitate the office and information exchange on business trips to the greatest extent.

OA system is good to use, but also one of the most favorite information management tools of today's enterprises, but the system also needs regular maintenance to ensure its long-term use, and can synchronize with the development and update of the enterprise.
