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475次浏览     发布时间:2024-06-11 09:10:53    


Sandalwood, belongs to the sandalwood family and is an evergreen tree. It mainly grows in tropical regions. Its wood is hard, its fragrance is eternal, its colors are colorful and ever-changing, and it is invincible...



Shen Tan: We often call it Shen Tan. He has two types of fragrant wood: Qinan fragrant wood and sandalwood. These two types of wood are well-known spices, and of course, some are also used for furniture. Chentan is mainly produced in India and is commonly seen in Buddhist products...


Black sandalwood: It can prevent hundreds of toxins, and soaking in water can treat various toxins.


Green sandalwood: It has high collection value and is made into various green sandalwood products, green sandalwood jewelry, and green sandalwood handicrafts, which have collection and decoration value both domestically and internationally.

金檀木:养精强肾,扶正固本 金檀,产于喜马拉雅山南麓的“众神之国”的尼泊尔。

Golden sandalwood: It nourishes the essence and strengthens the kidneys, strengthens the body, and is produced in Nepal, the "Kingdom of Gods" at the southern foothills of the Himalayas.


Golden medicine sandalwood: yellow in color, fragrant in taste, warm in nature, capable of refreshing, reducing fire, and relieving pain. Golden medicine sandalwood is mostly distributed in Asia and India...


Red sandalwood: It has a magical effect of nourishing people. After prolonged contact, some of their yellow teeth become particularly white. In addition, it is mainly used for making high-end furniture and other exquisite utensils.


Huangtan: Mainly produced in various parts of China, with a fine and dense wooden structure, it is often used as a load-bearing or tensile material. The wood is mostly yellow white or light yellow brown, and the color is pleasing to the eye. The fruit can also be used for oil extraction.


Red sandalwood: Mainly produced in Africa, Indonesia, and other regions, the wood color is mostly reddish brown or purple red, and over time, the color will become more profound...Red sandalwood is a common occurrence among many sandalwood trees, and there are many furniture, accessories, carvings, etc.


Sandalwood: Sandalwood, as its name suggests, has a strong aroma and is most common in Buddhist products. It has a good hand feel, good glossiness, and is often yellow or dark brown in color. It is often used to make beads or spices, and is a cost-effective presence in wooden products.


It is also introduced and cultivated in Taiwan and Guangdong, China. Its flowers are yellow when they first bloom, followed by blood red, and the wood is fragrant. It is often used as a high-end utensil, inlay, carving, and other materials. Sandalwood is also divided into categories such as white sandalwood, yellow sandalwood, and others.



Sandalwood tree is a semi parasitic evergreen tree, with a height of over 10 meters and a trunk diameter of 15-22 centimeters. The bark is rough or longitudinally split, appearing brown. The branches are cylindrical, grayish brown, striped, and multi branched.


Panicles are axillary or terminal, initially light yellow, but later turn deep rust purple. The drupe is 1-1.2 cm long and approximately 1 cm in diameter. The outer skin is succulent and juicy, with a deep purple red to purple black color when ripe.



Evergreen trees are plants with large plant types and green leaves throughout the year. The leaf lifespan of these trees is two to three years or longer, and new leaves grow every year. When new leaves grow, some old leaves fall off.


This type of tree, due to its evergreen nature throughout the year, is often used as the preferred plant for greening. As they remain green all year round, they have higher beautification and ornamental value.



The evergreen trees distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas are usually coniferous trees, such as various types of pine, fir, cypress, etc. In addition to evergreen coniferous trees, there are also some broad-leaved evergreen tree species distributed in low latitude and low altitude areas...
